ELConfig User Guide

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        Introduction Getting Started Configuring Phone Amego More about IP Addressing Getting Help Release Notes License Agreement Thank You!

I've enjoyed creating Phone Amego and tried to make it close to how I think Apple would do it.

Good design requires as little learning as possible from the user and stays out of the way until

you need it. I hope you find Phone Amego useful and look forward to your comments and

suggestions. You can Email me directly at psichel "at" sustworks "dot" com.

- Peter Sichel

Sustainable Softworks

13 Fieldside Drive

Cumberland, RI 02864


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Ask Peter - Phone Amego


Phone Amego uses several open source components with a BSD style license.

BLIP protocol for Caller ID sharing

Growl notification

• Parts of ILCrashReporter for gathering crash logs

• Apple's RFCOMM_Open_SPP_Example sample code

• Apple's CAPlayThrough sample code

• Apple's SBSendEmail sample code

Sparkle for software update

All of these can be modified and/or distributed in binary or source form as long as the original

copyrights remain intact. Thanks for letting me stand on your shoulders.

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