Contact Information
Sustainable Softworks, Inc
13 Fieldside Drive
Cumberland, RI 02864 USA
Email: info "at" sustworks "dot" com
Telephone support is available by arrangement on an as needed basis.
To help us answer your question promptly, please consider the following:
Review the User Guide on our web site including the FAQ and Troubleshooting Tips.
Try to make it easy on us by describing:
- what product you have
- what software version
- what telephone devices if any you are using
- what you tried that didn't work the way you expected
Please don't assume we know what you are thinking or have seen the same behavior.
Purpose and Context
Sustainable Softworks is an award winning Macintosh software developer inspired by building
tools to make technology more accessible and improve the Mac user experience.
The company was founded in 1996 by Peter Sichel to build a software IP router for the Mac,
and was instrumental in ushering in the era of reliable network connectivity and Internet
sharing with IPNetRouter (NAT router), IPNetMonitor (network diagnostic toolkit), and
IPNetTuner (TCP/IP tuner for improving network performance and compatibility). IPNetRouter
received a 1999 Macworld Editor's Choice Award for Best Network Utility and was licensed to
Apple Computer as part of the original AirPort Software Base Station.
Sustainable Softworks' dedication to customer support and continuous improvement has
attracted many delighted customers as it adds new products and features to extend the Mac in
areas that have otherwise been neglected.
Peter Sichel, Chief Engineer and Founder of Sustainable Softworks, has
a Masters Degree in Computer Engineering and has worked as a
software professional in a leading fortune 100 company for over 14
years. His broad background in both hardware and software combined
with strong process and communication skills offers clients an unusually
comprehensive view of information system issues. [Read an interview]