Sustainable Sustworks - Tools for Internet Travel
Inspired Tools for the Mac


Installation and Use

To install or remove the software, simply run the supplied Installer.

The Installer will place the "IPNetSentry.PPC" faceless background application (FBA) and "OTModl$Proxy" shared library file in your Extensions Folder. Note it's important to use the supplied Installer to remove the OTModl$Proxy module from your Extensions Folder. If you manually removed the OTModl$Proxy module from your Extensions Folder, then you should trash your current TCP/IP preferences file and reconfigure your TCP/IP control panel.

The installer will also place an initial "IPNetSentry Config" file within your Preferences folder.

The IPNetSentry companion application will automatically be launched the first time you restart your Macintosh after installing IPNetSentry. This gives you the opportunity to change your IPNetSentry Config file if you should desire (for most users the default configuration will work fine). You must manually click the "Turn On" button to start the IPNetSentry FBA the first time it is run. Subsequent restarts of your machine will automatically start IPNetSentry using the configuration specificied in the Net Sentry Config file. Because the IPNetSentry application itself works in a faceless background mode, you will not see it running from the Finder's list of running applications.

You control, view, and configure IPNetSentry through the IPNetSentry Companion application. The IPNetSentry companion application does NOT need to be running in order for IPNetSentry to run.

More detailed help is available in each of the IPNetSentry Companion windows.