Address Scan

The Address Scan tool allows you to scan a range of IP Addresses to check for active addresses, services, or assigned domain names. In the context of IPNetSentryX, the Address Scan tool can be used for probing hosts and testing firewall response.

Select the type of scan desired from popup menu (Look Around, Last Seen, Domain Name) and then enter or select the network number (x.x.x.x/n), address range (x.x.x.x-y.y.y.y or x.x.x.x-y), starting address, or domain name in the Target field. As a convenience for scanning the attached LAN, the network number for each currently active and configured interface is listed in the Target popup. If no ending address is specified, a default range of 32 addresses is used. Press Scan to begin scanning.

You can scan for active hosts using ping, or for a specific TCP or UDP listener by selecting the corresponding protocol and service. You can specify any port number (TCP or UDP service) directly in the target field by appending it to the IP address with a colon (x.x.x.x:p/n)

Look Around Scan

Use the Look Around scan to see a list of active IP Addresses on your LAN.

When using ping to scan for devices on your LAN, IPNetSentryX will try to show the corresponding Ethernet hardware address and device manufacturer. The first three octets of an Ethernet address form the OUI (Organization Unique Identifier, 00-03-93 for example). You can often lookup the corresponding manufacturer at to help identify an unknown device.

Last Seen Scan

Use the Last Seen scan to repeat the scan once every minute and report the last time each host was seen. This is useful for detecting which IP addresses are actually in use on your network or when a server becomes unavailable since you can leave the scan running for as long as desired.

Domain Name Scan

The Domain Name Scan does a DNS lookup on each IP address that responds in the scan range to display the corresponding Domain Name if any. This might be used to check which hosts are currently available. To retrieve a large range of domain names, consider requesting a Zone Transfer using the NSLookup tool.

Additional Features

When you invoke one window from another, the corresponding data is automatically transferred.

A popup menu keeps a list of Recent Targets or history. The contents of the target field are added to the list when a test to that target is invoked. If the recent targets menu becomes full (10 entries), the least recently used item will be removed. To add or remove an item, or clear the entire list, use the corresponding selections from the History menu.

You can select the results of an Address Scan and copy them to the clipboard as plain text (for pasting into email messages). If you include the first row of the table in your selection, the table headings will also be copied.

The Look Around Scan and Domain Name Scan normally list only those hosts that respond. To include all IP addresses in the scan range in the table output, use the List All Addresses check box.

You can open and use multiple Address Scan windows at the same time.

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